Ever Have Trouble Printing? Try a Different Printer Driver
Some clients have reported problems with HP laser printers failing to print. Sometimes there’s an error. Other times, the print job just disappears into the ether. It’s unclear why this is happening or how widespread it is, but here’s a workaround that can help....
Learn How to Examine Your iPhone’s Battery Usage
Is your iPhone battery draining faster than you think it should? iOS 13’s Battery screen can shed light on the situation, whether it’s a dying battery or a rogue app. Learn more here:

Make Your Mac More Useful by Managing Menu Bar Icons
If your Mac is anything like ours, it’s suffering from an infestation of menu bar icons. Sure, the Wi-Fi menu is essential, and many others can be helpful. But if you have too many, or they’re in random order, finding one when you need it can be frustrating. You can...
Consider USB Peripherals When Troubleshooting Mac Problems
If you’re experiencing a sporadic problem with your Mac, the sort of thing that happens often enough to be annoying but not so frequently as to be reproducible, allow us to suggest one little-known troubleshooting tip. Malfunctioning USB devices—keyboards, mice, hubs,...